Which Amazing Guest Would You Like To Hear?

June 21, 2024

Do NOT short yourself! Stay on Mission with Lainne Love.

We are all here for a mission that’s bigger than us. Mission is a key piece to success and it’s usually big in some fashion. Learn how to key in on yours.

Episode page
June 18, 2024

The Only Way To Guarantee Failure Is To Not Try. So Try! Lori Gouhin …

You have to try. If you don’t, you guarantee failure. If you do try, if it doesn’t work out, you are still better than you were. Lori Gouhin shares how this fueled her.

Episode page
June 14, 2024

Ready To Thrive Through Tough Times? Dr. Kimberly Harms Lays It Out.

Life WILL throw you curve balls. But yet we push through. And somehow we can thrive. How? Dr. Kimberly Harms can speak to it with power.

Episode page
June 11, 2024

Get Your Money Under Control...Cody Turns The Stress To a Gift

Managing money is oftentimes the biggest stressor to a person’s well being. We constantly need to grow in this area. Cody takes this on in an uplifting and personalized way.

Episode page
June 4, 2024

Your Health and Mind Are Key In Business and Life...Lori Vann Explain…

Mental health is key. How do we ensure we are taking care of ourselves to ensure we don’t end up in the wrong place? Lori Vann expands on the subject.

Episode page
May 31, 2024

From 16 Years of Flips To Storage Investing - Alex Pardo On Evolving

Sixteen of years of success at anything can lead you to think differently. As we evolve as people, change is inevitable so plan accordingly.

Episode page
May 28, 2024

From House of Mouse to Coach, People Are The Key with Bonnie Ross

Through her experiences as a Disney executive globally, Bonnie learned much about how to navigate the world of people to create success.

Episode page
May 24, 2024

Fun is Permitted In Lead Generation! Catharine O'Leary On The Power O…

Lead generation can sometimes be more work than we want it to be. Insert fun. Catharine uses quizzes to generate clients in a fun way and increase sales.

Episode page
May 21, 2024

The Realtor That Just Goes For It. Emily Wheeler On Making Things Hap…

There are lots of real estate agents but few make it. Why? One big reason is they don’t go for it. Emily Wheeler is having none of it. She is a Can Do, Will Do, Must Do spirit.

Episode page
May 17, 2024

Hotels to Buy and Hold Investor, Stretching or Seamless? Andrew Lucas…

Passive investing is shared as a way to create wealth. Andrew shares how he went from hospitality to being very successful in the passive income space.

Episode page
May 14, 2024

Jay Conner Says Raise The Capital And Get Deals Done

Raising capital is a steady challenge that keeps coming up with investors. Jay helps you overcome the challenges to launch you forward.

Episode page
May 10, 2024

Get Driven. Be the Best. Start Today with Steve Ek

There are numerous facets to life. Continual improvement is a never ending goal. To succeed, can you be the total package? The best of the best? Absolutely. Steve shares how.

Episode page
May 9, 2024

Looking for Happiness? Solve This Now With Stacy McPherson

Is anyone not looking to be happy? By default, we as people all seek happiness to some degree. But did you know it is easier to find than you think? Stacy shares how.

Episode page
April 30, 2024

Privy Software Founder Benson Juarez Discusses Paving Your Own Path

Sometimes you have to pave your own way. Which means you need to know why you need to pave your path and what is the goal of it all.

Episode page
April 26, 2024

Flipping Commercial Real Estate - A Different Way to Wholesale

While similar in many ways to residential, flipping commercial is a different ball game. Different criteria. Different rules. Different analysis and different preparation.

Episode page
April 23, 2024

Wealth starts in the mind. Is your mind right? Carmen shares how to k…

The idea of creating wealth is in our minds. And it is far more powerful than we give it credit for. Taking command of our amazing brain changes the game.

Episode page
April 19, 2024

'Payneless'? real estate wholesaling with Nathan Payne

It is said wholesaling is ‘easy’. The 'fast' lane to success. While there can be some truth to those things, the work is mostly in our mind.

Episode page
April 12, 2024

Recovering from Hits Successfully with Darlene Root

Immense Power, Resilience, Never Quit...these qualities that are required not just to recover from practically anything but to thrive back to success.

Episode page
April 9, 2024

Education is not optional! Brian Trippe Explains

No one operates in a vacuum. Furthermore, specialized education is only increasing as society continues to evolve. Being on the front end of it is a necessity.

Episode page
April 3, 2024

Profit First Finances with David Richter

Getting the financials of your business right is key for profitability. David takes us past surface numbers to ensure you know what's really going on.

Episode page
March 29, 2024

It's different in New York...Michael Pinter Shares Why

New York Real Estate Investing is different...why local market knowledge is critical.

Episode page
March 26, 2024

Chaos or Clarity? Nikki Gangemi shares CALM

Staying CALM through stress changes the game.

Episode page
March 22, 2024

Sales, Intense Passion Leads to Deals - Bryce McKinley

10,000+ Deals got done because sales and intense passion were the ingredients to success.

Episode page
March 18, 2024

Helping Homeowners Through Foreclosure - DJ Olojo

He's on a Mission to Help 1,000,000 Homeowners to work through foreclosures and their options.

Episode page