Sept. 13, 2024

Thinking of Retiring? Do It Holistically And Be Fulfilled! With Wendy Leggett

Thinking of Retiring? Do It Holistically And Be Fulfilled! With Wendy Leggett

Retirement is usually spoken of in terms of money for your golden years.  It is a time to be fulfilled, keep growing, and keep being significant and amazing in this world.

"Retirement is usually spoken of in terms of money for your golden years.  While that is fine and good, a lot of people lead unfulfilling lives during what is sold as your best years.  Why?  Too little planning goes into the rest of you.  Remember, that part that maybe isn't doing their career anymore or interacting in the same circles anymore?  Planning retirement and knowing what you really want before you go into it is a game changer.  It's not the world of years past of being tired so you no longer work.  Retirement now is a time to be fulfilled, keep growing, and keep being significant and amazing in this world.  Listen in to Wendy Leggett as she shares passionately about how to be ready for what should be a glorious time of your life!" 


To connect with Wendy Leggett: 






To connect with Frank Iglesias: To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory calls at the link below. 



Wendy Leggett Profile Photo

Wendy Leggett

The personal growth this brings facilitates a robust, fulfilling life and allows others to know us in a more authentic, substantial way. When we make a commitment to invest in ourselves the value we create is limitless.

I’ve made this investment in myself and I’ve seen the rewards. I have transitioned into a career that feels more connected to me and to my values. My days feel purposeful, my relationships have broadened and deepened and my sense of clarity, peace and commitment to growth have blossomed. I can tell you through my lived experience that the value of this is PRICELESS. This is WHY I work with my clients to bring these same qualities into their lives. Together we focus on what’s most important, what’s possible and how to make it happen. The growth experienced is gratifying and the results are powerful.