Sept. 6, 2024

Can Your Business Survive You Being Hit By a Bus? Ensure It Can With Shena White

Can Your Business Survive You Being Hit By a Bus? Ensure It Can With Shena White

When the worst case happens, can your business continue on? Getting the fundamentals right is key and make the difference between success and failure.

When the worst case happens, can your business continue on?  Are you required to be there?  If the answer is yes, it's likely time to make some changes.  While we may enjoy what we do, it is key to ensure business can continue on without us having to be there.  Furthermore, far too many business owners try to scale before ready which really just creates compounding and expensive problems.  Getting the fundamentals right is key. Shena White dives deeper into these key concepts that make the difference between success and failure as an entrepreneur. 


To connect with Shena Marie White: 








To connect with Frank Iglesias: To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory calls at the link below. 




Shena Marie White Profile Photo

Shena Marie White

As a business owner do you ever feel like you are on a never-ending hamster wheel of revenue-bills-revenue-bills?

You are "growing" and "scaling,” but it feels like the only thing really growing is your stress level, not your bank accounts. You are continually hustling for the next client, next payment, or next “level” in order to pay your bills and maybe one day achieve the success and lifestyle you dreamed of when you started your business in the first place. Does any of this sound like you?

If it does, know you are not alone. I have been there myself. For 7 years I toiled and did ALL the things “smart” business owners do to build a 7-figure business in the construction industry. On paper I looked like the definition of success, but in my head all I felt was the stress and pressure.

I was always chasing the next thing in order to feed the beast my business had become. I KNEW something had to change or I was going to crack and I couldn’t just keep working harder and harder for less and less profits.

That’s when I found the Profit First system and dove in all the way.

I learned a way to put my profits and my paycheck on autopilot. A way to make more money without all the hustle for the next level of “success.” A way to turn my business into the money-making machine I always dreamed it could be and scale it from there to less stress and the lifestyle I had envisioned from the start.

It's so simple, yet so effective, so now, after my own success and teaching friends to their successes, I am a Profit … Read More