June 25, 2024

Keep Business Simple! No Matter The Size, Sean Delaney On Getting To What Matters.

Keep Business Simple! No Matter The Size, Sean Delaney On Getting To What Matters.

The KISS theory.  Keeping things simple.  Business is not complicated but as people we make it complicated. Sean takes us through getting back to what works.

The KISS theory.  Keeping things simple.  Business is not complicated but as people we make it way too complicated.  Distractions are numerous.  Many ‘important’ things get in the way of the mission.  Scalability has its challenges.  Clarity gets muddled.  Confidence can wane with so many moving parts.  And of course, attracting the right people is key.  Sean takes us through a process on how to keep things simple. No matter the size of your business, this episode is for you if you want to keep it simple.

To connect with Sean Delaney:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sean.delaney.39

Websites: https://whadif.com

Free Business Assessment Site: https://form.jotform.com/240316081803144

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7Ky04UVD7Sx9jXjh4Ldu5J

To connect with Frank Iglesias:

https://www.frankiglesias.com/links. To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory calls at the link below.



Sean Delaney Profile Photo

Sean Delaney

As a Fractional COO at Whadif, LLC, I work with my clients to design and build systems that streamline their operations, consistently deliver a steady stream of new leads, and clients. My team and I have developed a variety of proven processes and online tools that optimize time, streamline operations, and increase sales.