Aug. 15, 2024

Stop The Internal Fight! Work-Life Alignment, Not Balance Is The Goal With Michael Gardon

Stop The Internal Fight! Work-Life Alignment, Not Balance Is The Goal With Michael Gardon

Do you have work-life alignment so that life can flow and be effective at the same time? Getting aligned allows life and business to flow much more freely and effectively.

We hear all the time about work life balance and the debate is is it even achievable.  Michael Gardon would argue it’s the wrong question.  The right question is do you have work-life alignment so that life can flow and be effective at the same time.  Rather than dealing with the ‘conflict’ created in work life balance, getting aligned allows life and business to flow much more freely and effectively for continued growth.  Listen in to learn about this key paradigm shift.


To connect with Michael Gardon:







To connect with Frank Iglesias: To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory calls at the link below.



Michael Gardon Profile Photo

Michael Gardon

Hey, I'm Mike. This is My story . . .

I make mistakes - all the time.
I chased "success" and money like a type A madman, until I realized there was still no fulfillment there.
Work equaled success for me, and I pursued it like a robot. I felt I had to sacrifice myself in order to get it.
Now I know better. Life isn't one dimensional. It's full stack. Creative work. Family, Relationships. Health. Spirit.
Now, my goal in life is to be balanced. What I call a Full Stack Human.
To do that, in 2018 I decided to break my relationship with work and build a wholistic life where I was balanced, attentive and still achievement focused AF!
It's just that I wanted my achievement to be mine, and not someone else's.
So I designed my way out of corporate work by taking a risk managed, methodical approach.
I created space at my job, made my paycheck the investor in my future vision, built my side hustle into FT corporate exit.
Now I write, create and talk about how to build an unbreakable approach to life that turned me into a Full Stack Human.
One that enjoys work, enjoys family and enjoys life.