July 26, 2024

Kill the default!  Intention, Not Just Effort Moves Mountains With Mark Adams

Kill the default!  Intention, Not Just Effort Moves Mountains With Mark Adams

For many people, we are great at working hard.  It’s our default.  But do our efforts actually accomplish what we need it to?  To move the needle, does Intention beats hustle?

For many people, we are great at working hard.  It’s our default.  We work hard to accomplish what we set out to do.  But do our efforts actually accomplish what we need it to?  Are we moving the needle?  If the answer is no, and for many people, that is the case, here’s a tip….Intention beats hustle.  Being intentional in what you do to move the needle changes the perspective of the game.  How?  Listen in with Mark Adams as he discusses how to make intention your reality.

To connect with Mark Adams:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/markashleyadams

Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/markashleyadams/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/unforgetyourself/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@unforgetyourself

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@markashleyadams

Website:  https://unforgetyourself.com/


Podcast:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4qvSo1G0irAgsF8PUkVwfY


To connect with Frank Iglesias:

https://www.frankiglesias.com/links. To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory calls at the link below.



Mark Adams Profile Photo

Mark Adams

Proudly responsible for helping people fall in love with their business again, doing things that they never considered possible, choose business and personal relationships that they actually want, and creating several “OMG” moments along the way.

Now we get to share our unique Unforget Yourself® system, principles and practices with you, so that you too can create a life that you were born to live.