Jan. 20, 2024

Lenders Watch Your Social Media? Kenneth Igwe Shares Why

Lenders Watch Your Social Media? Kenneth Igwe Shares Why

Reconsider what you post online. People pay attention, in particular lenders. Kenneth Igwe Shares About The Back Rooms of Lending

In this show, Kenneth Igwe shares about a number of subjects that you rarely hear about from a lender. His insight just might shape how you approach a lender for your next deal be it real estate or business.


To connect with Kenneth:




https://www.frankiglesias.com/links. To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory call here.



Kenneth Igwe Profile Photo

Kenneth Igwe

Kenneth's areas of expertise are: general business, real estate, finance and banking. Previously a Chief Operating Officer of Brisco Capital Group, an oil distribution Company and Associate Director of Wharton Gladden, an investment banking firm, Kenneth understands the needs of his clients and counsels them on entity selection, formation, maintenance and dissolution, and business succession planning. Kenneth also works with property owners, lenders, individuals and businesses on a range of real estate matters including lease agreements, options to purchase, easements and purchase and sale agreements. Such work often includes agreement negotiation, review and drafting, and dispute resolution.
Kenneth holds a BSc in Mathematics from Morehouse College.