Michael Gardon

Michael Gardon Profile Photo

Hey, I'm Mike. This is My story . . .

I make mistakes - all the time.
I chased "success" and money like a type A madman, until I realized there was still no fulfillment there.
Work equaled success for me, and I pursued it like a robot. I felt I had to sacrifice myself in order to get it.
Now I know better. Life isn't one dimensional. It's full stack. Creative work. Family, Relationships. Health. Spirit.
Now, my goal in life is to be balanced. What I call a Full Stack Human.
To do that, in 2018 I decided to break my relationship with work and build a wholistic life where I was balanced, attentive and still achievement focused AF!
It's just that I wanted my achievement to be mine, and not someone else's.
So I designed my way out of corporate work by taking a risk managed, methodical approach.
I created space at my job, made my paycheck the investor in my future vision, built my side hustle into FT corporate exit.
Now I write, create and talk about how to build an unbreakable approach to life that turned me into a Full Stack Human.
One that enjoys work, enjoys family and enjoys life.

Aug. 15, 2024

Stop The Internal Fight! Work-Life Alignment, Not Balance Is The Goal…

Do you have work-life alignment so that life can flow and be effective at the same time? Getting aligned allows life and business to flow much more freely and effectively.

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