Joe Schimizzi

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Joe Schimizzi is the Founder and Principal of a private equity real estate investment firm (Acquira Capital), its operating entity (Acquira Realty Holdings), and its property management firm (Acquira Property Management).

He has completed approximately $100 Million of real estate transactions to date, with approximately $60 Million of current Assets Under Management. Joe has unique experience in value creation investment strategies in the areas of Asset Repositioning, Asset Value Creation, Distressed Asset acquisitions, and Capital Market Optimization. He has over 15 years of direct real estate investment experience for personal and closely held investment portfolios. Joe created Acquira Capital to leverage private equity investments for strategic real estate acquisitions offered to passive real estate and group investors.

Nov. 22, 2024

Passive Income Can Be Real When Choosing The Right Assets With Joe Schimizzi

Is passive income a myth? It definitely is within some real estate that is pitched as passive. But there is an alternative. Joe Schimizzi has built an incredibly successful business through commercial medical real estate. Check this out.
Guest: Joe Schimizzi