Albert Corey

Albert Corey Profile Photo

As an accountant who for four decades that has filed over 15,000 business returns in over 45 different

Most of my clients receiver their best possible tax returns a year by applying basic tax saving principles to grow your revenue.

I started when I was working for the family business, and not getting paid said I owe the IRS.
That put me on a mission that business owners to educate them on how to use the tax laws to their advantage.

Since then, I've written a book. A keynote speaker on the Small Business Expo Tour and national Syndicated Radio Shows and podcasts Guest.

The Rock Your Bottom podcast educates business owners simple and easy ways to grow your business.

Oct. 15, 2024

Multi Business Owner Albert Corey Talks Business Fundamentals We Need

Do you have challenges taking care of the key basics of business that move the needle? Albert shares on the fundamentals that you must get done.

Listen to the Episode