April 26, 2024

Flipping Commercial Real Estate - A Different Way to Wholesale

Flipping Commercial Real Estate - A Different Way to Wholesale

While similar in many ways to residential, flipping commercial is a different ball game. Different criteria. Different rules. Different analysis and different preparation.

Wholesaling Commercial Real Estate.  While similar in many ways to residential, ultimately, it is a different ball game.  Different criteria.  Different rules.  Different analysis and different preparation.  Are you ready to dive in?  If flipping commercial is of interest, this episode is for you.

To connect with Frank McGovern:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frank.mcgovern.1485

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmencroonquist/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phuckitfrank/

Website: https://frankbuysphilly.com/

Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@phuckitpodcast

To connect with Frank Iglesias:

https://www.frankiglesias.com/links. To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory calls at the link below.



Frank McGovern Profile Photo

Frank McGovern

Frank McGovern was born and raised in Northeast Philadelphia and has the working class/ blue-collar attitude the city embodies. He wanted to get involved with real estate since the age of 18 but life circumstances saw otherwise.

At the age of 26, he started his real estate career in January of 2010. At that point, he knew practically nothing about real estate, knew no one in the business and had very little money. The first couple of years were a lot of trial and error, researching, studying, question asking and learning on the fly. But with the fear of quitting greatly outweighing the fear of failing, he stuck with it and hasn’t looked back since.

While he started out exclusively wholesaling and assigning contracts, he has now also become a very active rehabber and landlord. And more recently, started developing. He is one of the more active real estate investors in the Philadelphia area and continues to do more and more projects. Part of Frank and his companies rapid growth in the city is his reputation for being a straight shooter. While a profit is important for any business to succeed, it comes secondary to honesty and integrity.

Frank has even been fortunate to give back and raise money to help an underfunded Philadelphia public middle school. He loves the city and is here to stay and help it grow and give back to much as possible. He is also a husband, father of 4, Philly sports fanatic and avid reader.