April 3, 2024

Profit First Finances with David Richter

Profit First Finances with David Richter

Getting the financials of your business right is key for profitability. David takes us past surface numbers to ensure you know what's really going on.

You probably didn't get into business to be good at accounting. But it is absolutely vital to your success no matter how small. Too many people learn this the hard way. Let's stop that.

Enter David Richter. His fractional CFO services can help almost anyone and set you up for success. Listen in to hear not only his knowledge but his passion for this aspect of business and ensuring you Profit First along the way.

To connect with David:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.richter.395

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richterscale91/

Threads: ⁠https://www.threads.net/@thedavidrichter⁠

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-simple-cfo/

Website: https://simplecfo.com/

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4wB4qlImFs4MuCdgqyucIT

Book: https://simplecfo.com/book/


https://www.frankiglesias.com/links. To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory call here.



David Richter Profile Photo

David Richter

Thanks for taking a minute (maybe two) to read about what I do and why it makes a difference :-)

It probably makes sense for me to start by defining Fractional CFO?

The technical definition is...

“The CFO is the Chief Financial Officer and fractional means part-time.”

Which in Layman’s terms means, helping people understand the numbers at a very deep level and what they mean to the organization.

What makes this so important?

Most businesses don't have enough revenue to pay for a full time CFO but make too much not to have a strategic financial partner (CFO) on the team to increase profitability and cash flow.

A Fractional CFO is that partner at a fraction of the full CFO price tag...

And by understanding the numbers, one can make a positive impact across the entire organization.

Not understanding the numbers will do the polar opposite and have a costly negative impact.

I see this ALL. THE. TIME.

Organization says they “know” the numbers.

They “know” what’s listed on the profit and loss report.

BUT, more times than not, they don’t understand what the numbers mean or how to use them for gain.

There’s a MASSIVE difference between knowing the numbers and UNDERSTANDING how the numbers impact the business.

And depending on the decisions being made by the organization, the numbers can lead to a positive or negative impact.

Understanding what the numbers truly mean allows for many things, including...

1️⃣ Being able to make better decisi… Read More