Which Amazing Guest Would You Like To Hear?

Aug. 28, 2024

Make Numbers Easy By Having The Right Bookkeeping Team With Cassie Kr…

Don't be 'that' entrepreneur who gives all their receipts to the bookkeeper and expects magic. You have to get a handle on the numbers as it is a barometer for what is really happening.

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Aug. 1, 2024

Know The Story Your Numbers Are Telling You With Holli Moeini

The numbers of your business tell a story. Understanding the numbers in ‘plain English’ is vital. Holli is a powerhouse of wisdom when it comes to what numbers mean.

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April 3, 2024

Profit First Finances with David Richter

Getting the financials of your business right is key for profitability. David takes us past surface numbers to ensure you know what's really going on.

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