Feb. 12, 2024

Master Builder Aaron McGinnis On Success in Construction

Master Builder Aaron McGinnis On Success in Construction

Succeeding in residential New Construction is a skill and Aaron McGinnis shows us how to succeed.

New Construction is an art, a science and definitely not what you see on the TV shows and the 30 minute 'overnight' fix. Aaron McGinnis gives insights on how the business really works and how the devil really is in the details to have success.

To connect with Aaron and his social media, go to:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgiahousehound/

Website: https://craftbuilt.net/


https://www.frankiglesias.com/links. To partner, do business, get FREE resources or get coached by Frank, visit the links at Frank’s site, message me on social media or call/text us at 678-408-2228. I also do free introductory call here.


Aaron McGinnis Profile Photo

Aaron McGinnis

Aaron is an Atlanta native with more than a decade of experience in construction and real estate. He has successfully lead his team through hundreds of residential and light commercial construction projects. He has managed investment projects and third party construction hundreds of times over, and brings a lifelong love of detail and learning to every interaction.

As an avid traveller and information junky, Aaron has trotted the globe honing the informational aspect of his craft. He has travelled extensively throughout America, Europe, and Japan, and has spent way too many hours staring at upsettingly abnormal means, methods, and architectural concepts to see the world from within the confines of the typical box too many construction professionals find themselves in.

Aaron started Craftbuilt in 2009, as the recession truly set in. He likes to say that during the time when the Titanic (IE: The Economy) was going vertical and breaking apart in the middle, he had a first-row deck chair to the action. During that time, he is unabashed to say that his team would tackle absolutely any work that came their way.

This go-get-it attitude lead to a variety of work, not all of which is fit for public consumption. However, it also afforded the opportunity to deal with a huge variety of structural, design, and abnormal problems that embedded the need for creative problem solving early in his career.

The exposure to this variety and need for creative problem solving pushed Aaron to build a team whose values center on learning and finding ways to imp… Read More